Whilst my kids and computers and even blog sites are moving forward at a pace I can't keep up with I decided that I would show them a bit of how it used to be done.
My lad is 10 and likes to have a carve and a print. I asked him if he thought I should take in my printing stuff to his school and do a quick print but before he answered me he asked at school if it was possible.
Great stuff. That meant I had a meeting and agreed to bite off as much as I could chew and I set a project for the two classes that make up his year. I decided it would be nice to make a poster, Like the old theatre billing posters but linked to each and everyone in his class.
I asked the teacher to show and discuss font with the kids. Explain how they do know it is important even if they aren't aware they are with examples like the big yellow 'M' and the script of a certain cola brand, white out of red, you know the one. After this the kids have been encouraged to chose a font and write their name in that font. Then a bit of a brain exercise and flip that image. Reverse the letters into a mirror image of what they have through either tracing or working out. They then would write their name in their font and give me back the block to carve.
There are 54 little 2.5x3.5'' blocks to get through but whilst the lessons have been on at the school I have been preparing the posters surround and the frame for the kids blocks to drop into. I hope these photos explain the rest,
Wish me luck!!